Problems With Bailey Unicorn Caravans

Baileys are one of the biggest caravan manufacturers in Europe and have 60 years of experience in making caravans. Despite this and their attractive layouts, many of Bailey’s customers have become dissatisfied with the plethora of examples of bad workmanship and poor-quality control. Some customers are happy with their caravans, however, but be careful if you do want to purchase a Bailey Unicorn Caravan anyway. In this article, we will look at commonly encountered problems users of Bailey caravans have had to deal with. We hope that this article is interesting and informative so you can recognise the risks of purchasing one of these caravans.

Problems With Bailey Unicorn Caravans


A common problem with Bailey caravans is the fact that they quite often have problems related to leaking in the roof strap. Some people purchase a brand-new Bailey, and for a few months, they are perfectly happy with the caravan. Later, however, they will start to experience rain dripping down onto them. This is due to the fact that Bailey Unicorn caravans frequently do not properly fit in their straps properly.

As well as this, Bailey will likely charge you for any parts from a third party and will only do that if you are a service agent, despite this issue being a design fault. If there are any other problems Bailey have to deal with, the wait could be very much delayed, which would further frustrate any caravan owners who use their Bailey.

Alko Axle Problem

Among caravan owners who use a Bailey, a frequent problem is their Alko Axle is not supported properly by the rubber, and thus the rubber needs to be replaced. This is because of the lopsided nature of Bailey unicorns. This can cause tyres to rub on the wheel arches and result in accidents. If you go to Bailey about this problem, however, they will more than likely tell you that it was your fault for overloading the van at one point.

If you are sure that you did not overload the van, you can persist with them. If that fails, you will have to gather the appropriate information, inform them that you will take them to a Small Claims Court. No company wants to risk being taken to a Small Claims Court, so Bailey may well replace the axle free of charge.

Generally Bad Workmanship and Design

Other problems found in Bailey caravans include:

  • Clocks being too tight, resulting in it taking time to take out in case you are staying abroad and need to adapt to the time zone. If you remove it, there is a chance that you will lose the rubber holding it in place.
  • The temperamental nature of the heating systems. Sometimes the electricity provided will not be enough to heat your caravan during a cold night, and the gas then only lasts for ten minutes. After those ten minutes, you start to hear a loud vibrating sound.
  • Electric cables sagging bellow the caravan. On the back corners of the caravan, it is reported that there are cables being held together by a plastic hook fixed with double tape, and in the front corner wires held together with sealant.
  • Awning rails. Awning rails are frequently a cause of complaint among people who buy from Bailey. An awning will not slide onto the rail properly, due to obstructions in the rail preventing anything from going in smoothly. A common cause of obstruction is large balls of sealant that must be removed with a knife and possibly a nail file, which could take up to an hour of your precious time.

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